The Dean
The Dean of the Faculty is elected by the Council for a 5 years term, renewable once. He is chosen among the teachers-researchers, teachers and researchers who participate in teaching at a rate of at least 25 HETD per year and are still employed at the faculty.
In the exercise of his functions, he is assisted by :
- a management team
- the Faculty Council Office
- an administrative and technical team
- He presides over the Board of Education and Research in the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies.
- He presides over the Faculty Council, prepares and executes its deliberations.
- He represents the Faculty in the University bodies.
- He coordinates the activities of the services of the Faculty.
- He is assigning the staff of the Faculty.
- He ensures the maintenance of order and security of the Faculty.
His advice is required, particularly on
- the applications for registrations which require the filling of an application file, the requests for rental deposits for student housing
- the recruitment of temporary staff
- the promotion and appreciation of staff, the benefits system, the requests authorization of cumulative functions, the professional travels of teachers and IATSS staff
- the requests for delegation, research leave and thematic reconversion, the transfers
- the assignment of the representatives of the faculty in the selection committees
- the designation of Baccalaureate’s jury presidents