Master in Chemistry

In this Master program, the discipline “Molecular Chemistry and Physicochemistry” consists of courses displayed in English and opened to international students.

Objectives of the program

The main objective of the M.S. in Chemistry is to meet the expectations of the companies by offering a program with a specialization covering several domains of activity which are recognized as sources of employment : chemical analysis, surface treatments, biomaterials, environmental preservation, modeling, synthesis.

The M.S. in Chemistry aims also to train future specialists highly qualified for laboratories of Doctoral Schools, C2MP (Chemistry, Mehanics and Molecular Physics), SIMPPE (Science and Engineering of Molecules Products and Energy) and other partner laboratories, with the ambition of an international opening by ensuring to give students a solid linguistic basis and the taste of mobility.

  • Chemistry of Solids (CdS, in French)
  • Synthesis, Characterization, Environment (SCE, in French)
  • Synthesis Modelling Analysis Spectrometry (SAMS, in English)
    MCP takes place during the second year of Master (third and fourth semesters of the Master (S9 and S10)), and is opened to students granted after the 1st year of a Master program in Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Physical and Chemical Sciences, Biochemistry, Basic and Applied Sciences, and to engineer-students having finished two years of studies. Applications will be examined by the teaching team. An interview (telephone and / or face-to-face) is often proposed. 

Educational locations
  • Nancy

Job opportunities
  • In research, analysis and quality control laboratories of analytical departments or in interaction with a production team in the fields of Chemistry, Materials, Cosmetics or Medicine.
  • Research engineer in public or private laboratories
  • Teacher of Secondary Schools
  • Teacher researcher of Higher Education (after a PhD)

Knowledge domains  
  • For the MCP option
    Analytical Chemical Physics with spectroscopic dominant but also in molecular modelling
    Organic Chemistry, design, synthesis, characterization and use of organic compounds

Associated skills and know-how
  • Shared skills for the M.S. in Chemistry :
    Separating and quantifying molecular or mineral elements (in solid, liquid or gaseous state) and analyze the results by emphasizing the interactions between their properties and structure.
    Developing a protocol of chemical analysis
    Optimizing a synthesis and analysis by the application of experimental plans
    Understanding present and future constraints of chemical industry (chemical risk prevention, hazardous waste management, life cycle analysis, sustainable development and green industry)
  • Specific to the MCP option :
    Developing and implementing experimental protocols in Chemistry and Chemical Physics
    Opening up new synthetic pathways of original organic molecules
    Ability to read the results of molecular analysis, elemental and structural compounds, particles and solid surfaces
    Selection of an analytical method, perform a clarification and confirm the analysis of an undesirable species in the production of a polymer or in a study of surface waters or soil.
    Use and development of technologies for molecular modelling

Transversal skills
  • Multidisciplinary teachings (writing of technological and scientific reports, security, business economics)
  • Some of the teachings are provided in the form of projects