Master in Civil Engineering

In this Master program, the discipline “Structures, Materials, Energetics of buildings” (SME) offers some courses or training sessions displayed in English and opened to international students.

Objectives of the program

The M.S. in Civil Engineering of University of Lorraine offers a program of higher education for students holding a Bachelor’s degree (“Licence”) in Civil Engineering or any other related fields to Civil engineering.

This program’s objective is to train students to become future managers by providing essential scientific, technical and economic resources in order to prepare them for supporting or leading studies in design, sizing, diagnosis and execution of various works in construction companies, engineering offices and research laboratories. This M.S. allows also the enrollment to doctoral programs.


4 disciplines are offered in M2 and 3 of them have several options :

  • Architecture, Wood, Construction (ABC, in French) provided by ENSTIB, Epinal and co-habilitated by ENSAN, Nancy
  • Construction, Management, Environment (CEM, in French) provided by UFR MIM, Metz
  • Geotechnical, Water, Risks (GER, in French), provided by ENSG and ENSM of Nancy
  • Structures, Materials, Energetics of buildings (SME, with some courses in English), provided by the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Nancy
    • Sizing of Structures and Buildings (DSB)
    • Materials of Civil Engineering (MGC)
    • Energetics of Buildings (EB)

SME takes place during the second year of Master (third (S9) and fourth (S10) semesters of the Master), and is opened to students granted after the 1st year of a Master program in Civil Engineering and to engineer-students having finished two years of studies. Applications will be examined by the teaching team. An interview (telephone and / or face-to-face) is often proposed.

For a better professional integration, the M.S. offers the possibility to the students to sign apprenticeship contracts during the 2nd year, for each of the 4 disciplines.

Job opportunities
  • Managerial careers in business, technical careers in corporate offices, multidisciplinary engineering offices in building and public works sector, control offices, industrial laboratories, contractors’ offices, architectural firms, private and public research laboratories.
  • Further education to PhD

Knowledge domains
  • Mechanics of structures, reinforced concrete, wood and metal constructions, binders, civil engineering, geotechnical materials, analytical methods, thermal and acoustic insulation of buildings, fire prevention, economy of construction, regulation.

Associated skills and know-how
  • The acquired skills will enable students to offer the best technical and economical solutions adapted to the demands from public institutions and private companies, not only in terms of dimensional requirements, but also using new technologies of materials which take into account the environmental criteria.
  • Students will be able to design works and energetic equipment made with various Civil Engineering materials (concrete, metal, wood, etc.), to design the geotechnical structures and to understand problems related to soils and foundations, to study the pathology and sustainability of buildings, to offer innovative materials for works of tomorrow. They will also be capable of ensuring the management of a construction operation as a whole, or at different stages of production.

Transversal skills
  • Methodology: rigor, critical spirit, individual work (autonomy, time management)
  • Documentary research and group work (tutored project)
  • Technical English, TOEIC preparation
  • Office software applications
  • Knowledge of the business world

Ensuring the success of your project
  • Integrated teaching combining courses, TD and TP
  • Lectures by well-known professionals
  • Links with future careers : apprenticeship, supervising of professional project, forum
  • Access to digital resources : courses and online exercises, schedules, storage space, literature search

International exchanges

The main international exchanges concern first and foremost the border universities in the Lorraine: Luxembourg, Liège, Saarbrücke. The University of Luxembourg proposes a Master's degree " Energy and Economic Efficiency " co-authorized with the University of Lorraine.