Institute Elie Cartan of Lorraine

Institute Elie Cartan of Lorraine (IECL)


  • Institute Elie Cartan of Lorraine is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 7502) of the CNRS and the University of Lorraine and it is a part of Charles Hermite Automation, Computer Science and Mathematics Federation.
  • An important and long-term partner of IECL is INRIA, particularly trough the INRIA project-teams that we host.
  • Institute Elie Cartan counts 120 Professors or Assistant Professors and permanent researchers and is one of the great French laboratories in Mathematics, as well as the biggest one in the East of France.
  • The IECL research activities cover a very large scientific spectrum. The IECL gathers internationally recognized specialists in several fields of pure mathematics (differential geometry, complex analysis and geometry) and applied mathematics (partial differential equations and probabilities). This scientific diversity encourages internal and external interactions, contributing to the attractiveness of the Institute for foreign visitors.