Jean Lamour Institute

Jean Lamour Institute (IJL)

  • Jean Lamour Institute is a Joint Research Unit of the CNRS and the University of Lorraine.
  • With its 23 teams divided into 4 research departments and its 500 members, it is one of the largest Material Science laboratories in Europe. The lab’s researchers work in close collaboration with the industrial world in the following areas: materials, metallurgy, plasmas, surfaces, nanoscience and electronics.
  • The premises of the Faculty of Science and Technology gather all teams of Matter and Materials Physics department (P2M) and a part of the teams of Chemistry and Physics of Solids and Surfaces (CP2S) department and of Nanomaterials, Electronics and Life (N2EV) department. The Faculty of Science and Technology also hosts the Competence Centre DAUM of Jean Lamour Institute and its “baby tube”, an equipment serving to the deposit and the analysis of nanomaterials under ultra-high vacuum.