- GeoRessources is a multidisciplinary research laboratory created in 2013, which covers the sector of geological resources, from their exploration to their exploitation, through the stages of treatment and valorization of these resources and their impact on the society and the environment.
- GeoRessources has about 180 people working on three research areas :
- Geomodels : Geological and Geochemical Models / Multi-Scale Hydro-Geomechanics – Primary materials: Carbon Resources – Mineral Resources – The Use of Resources and Residues
- Geosystems : Geological storage and geothermal energy / GeoMaterials, Structures and risks
- GeoRessources is a laboratory hosted by University of Lorraine, CNRS and CREGU. UMR GeoRessources is a member of the Scientific Pole OTELo, Carnot Institute ICEEL, labex Ressources21 and IEED GéoDénergies.